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|海南雅思|雅思口语训练营 【第十期下】

2022-04-27 09:04来源:未知编辑:雅思培训阅读:

Part 3-style questions【第十期下】
Examiner: Is it better to own your own home or to rent?
Ana: I think both have their advantages … living in rented accommodation isn’t necessarily a bad thing … you don’t have a huge debt like you do when you take out a mortgage but I suppose the property market offers you an investment for the future … I’m sure that’s why most people prefer to own their own home
Examiner: What options are available to young couples looking for accommodation in your country?
Toni: If they want to buy their own home it isn’t easy for first-time buyers … mortgages are hard to get so most people live with their parents or in rented accommodation … but that can also be very expensive … you often have to pay rent in advance … and if the accommodation isn’t fully furnished you have the expense of buying furniture …
Examiner: What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for ourselves?
Suki: I suppose it starts with house-hunting … finding your ideal home … some people enjoy doing up an old property … giving a property that’s old and tired a new lease of life … others like making wherever they live feel like home with some home comforts
1、to take out a mortgage: to borrow a large amount of money, paid back over several years, in order to buy a house
2、property market: the buying and selling of land or buildings
3、to own your own home: to have bought the property you live in
4、first-time buyer: someone buying a property for the first time, especially when taking out a loan (mortgage)
5、rented accommodation: property owned by someone else and for which a person pays a fixed amount to live in
6、to pay rent in advance: weekly or monthly rent paid at the beginning of the week or month
7、fully-furnished: a rented property with all furniture included
8、house-hunting: looking for a property to live in
9、to do up a property: to repair an old building
10、home comforts: things that make a home feel comfortable to live in
|海南雅思|雅思口语训练营 【第十期下】

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                                雅思口语训练营  【第十期下】
|海南雅思|雅思口语训练营 【第十期下】






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