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|海南雅思|雅思口语训练营 【第十三期下】

2022-04-27 08:57来源:未知编辑:雅思培训阅读:

Part 3-style questions【第十三期下】
Examiner: Why do some people decide to set up their own business?
Marion: I suppose it’s the idea of being in control of your own destiny … or of believing in a product or service idea you may have … plus it must be very exciting … launching productswinning contracts … and seeing your sales figures improving must be wonderful …
Examiner: What are some of the dangers involved in starting a business?
Hiro: Well … obviously you need to have a good idea … some people say you need to do market research beforehand so you know what the market wants … if you don’t do this you could go under … and whether it is a good idea the chances are someone else is doing the same thing so you could end up facing stiff competition
Examiner: What are some of things you have to do when running your own business that might not appeal to everyone?
Katy: Personally i don’t like being in debt so taking out a business loan wouldn’t suit me at all … and I know a lot of companies do cold calling to try and drum up business … that’s something I’d hate to do … and laying people off if the business gets into trouble … that would be horrible …
1、to launch a product: to start selling and promoting a new product
2、to win a contract: when a business gets legally-binding work with an individual or company
3、sales figures: a report of the income a company generates through sales of products or services
4、to do market research: to do research into what potential customers would or wouldn’t buy
5、to go under: when a business is forced to close because it is unsuccessful
6、stiff competition: strong competition from other companies in the same area of work
7、to take out a loan: to borrow money
8、to cold call: to make a sales call to someone without asking them for permission first
9、to drum up business: to try to get customers
10、to lay someone off: when a company ends an employee’s contract of employment
|海南雅思|雅思口语训练营  【第十三期下】

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所有内容从native speaker写的文章中精挑细选

                               雅思口语训练营  【第十三期下】
|海南雅思|雅思口语训练营  【第十三期下】






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