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|雅思口语训练营 | 话题十九:Environment

2022-04-27 11:48来源:未知编辑:雅思培训阅读:

Part 2-style task【话题十九:Environment】
Describe an environmental problem that has been in the news. You should say
when this was
where the event happened
what actually took place
and say how you felt about this problem.
Martin: Well … this is an interesting question … there are so many issues I could think of … natural disasters like earthquakes and floods seem to be in the news almost every year … but there was one story recently about some animals that were under threat … it wasn’t focused on one place in particular … it was looking at various animals that could actually become extinct in different African countries … if we don’t take steps to protect them … these were really iconic animals like gorillas … leopards … rhinos … and apparently they’re now listed as endangered species … what made it really depressing was they were in danger thanks to us … in some cases it was due to a loss of habitat either because people need more agricultural production … or even worse I think … because of hunting and poaching … I hate to think of future generations being robbed of the chance to see creatures like these in their natural environment … it’s lucky we have lots of organisations that focus on wildlife conservation … hopefully with their help we can put pressure on those in power to do something to stop creatures like these dying out
1、natural disaster: an event such as an earthquake, flood or hurricane which causes widespread damage or loss of life
2、to be under threat: to be in danger of becoming extinct
3、to become extinct: to no longer exist
4、endangered species: categories of animals or plants that are in danger of becoming extinct
5、loss of habitat: the decline in areas of land where animals and plants would normally exist
6、poaching: to hunt and kill wild animals illegally
7、future generations: the people who live after us
8、wildlife conservation: to protect animals and plants and their habitats
9、to die out: to no longer exist
|雅思口语训练营 | 话题十九:Environment
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              雅思口语训练营  【话题十九:Environment
|雅思口语训练营 | 话题十九:Environment






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